Get AHS Data from HPE iLO4+ using PowerShell

I discovered this possibility a year back, and it’s only now I invested the time to get this working! It turned out not to be as challenging as I thought, in fact the hardest bit was getting the authentication token.

I have written a PowerShell function called Get-AHSData which allows you to gather the AHS data from an HPE iLO 4 or newer. These AHS logs are frequently requested by HPE Support when logging calls for Proliant, and downloading these using the iLO UI can be cumbersome – and involves a mouse!

Get-AHSData will allow you to specify the server, iLO Credentials and a Start / End date for the log range if necessary. By default it will grab metrics for 1 day. You specify a folder to export the file to and it will go grab the file and save it there, returning a file list (if you run against multiple iLOs).

Code is out on GitHub Here

Sorry it’s a little long to embed here, and keeping it in GitHub will allow me to iterate it with improvements without having to circle back and update this page.

An example of this running:

Let me know on GitHub if you have any issues, or feel free to fork and improve! I already have a couple of enhancements from my colleagues which I will look to include.

new vSAN cmdlet: Get-VSANObjectHealth

Been a while since I posted, so about time I caught up with some things I have been working on!

I will be posting a series of PowerCLI / Powershell cmdlets to assist with vSAN Day-2 operations. There is plenty out there for creating new clusters, but not much around for helping to troubleshoot / support production environments. Some of these have come from VMworld Europe Hackathon I recently attended in Europe which was a blast! I’ll do my best to credit others who helped contribute to the creation of these cmdlets also!

The first I created Get-VSANObjectHealth is to help obtain a state of the objects in a vSAN cluster. This is a great way to validate how things are in the environment, as it will give you the different status of objects, particularly if they are degraded or rebuilding. The idea of this cmdlet was to integrate into our host remediation script so I could verify that all the objects are healthy prior to moving onto the next host. I trust this verification in PowerCLI more so than VUM attempting to put a host into maintenance and then getting stuck.

Code is below and also posted on GitHub Here

Function Get-VSANObjectHealth {
        Obtain object health for vSAN Cluster
        This function performs an object health report for a vSAN Cluster
        .PARAMETER VsanCluster
        Specifies a vSAN Cluster object, returned by Get-Cluster cmdlet.
        PS C:\> Get-Cluster | Get-VSANObjectHealth
    Param (
      [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Begin {
      $vchs = Get-VsanView -Id "VsanVcClusterHealthSystem-vsan-cluster-health-system"
      $VsanVersion = (Get-VsanView -Id "VsanVcClusterHealthSystem-vsan-cluster-health-system").VsanVcClusterQueryVerifyHealthSystemVersions((Get-Cluster).Id) | select VcVersion
    Process {
      if($VsanCluster.VsanEnabled -and $VsanVersion.VcVersion -lt '6.6') {
        $result = $vchs.VsanQueryVcClusterHealthSummary($, $null, $null, $ShowObjectUUIDs, $null, $UseCachedInfo)
        if($result) {
          if($HealthyOnly) {
            $Health = $result.ObjectHealth.ObjectHealthDetail | Where-Object {$_.Health -notlike 'healthy' -and $_.NumObjects -gt 0}
            if($Health) {
              return $false
            } else {
              return $true
          } else {
            return $result.ObjectHealth.ObjectHealthDetail
      elseif ($VsanCluster.VsanEnabled -and $VsanVersion.VcVersion -lt '6.6') {
          Write-Warning -Message 'vSAN cluster is currently at a version newer than this call allows. Please open an issue:'

How to use:

Get-Cluster VSAN-Cluster-1 | Get-VSANObjectHealth

Get-Cluster VSAN-Cluster-1 | Get-VSANObjectHealth -HealthyOnly

Get-Cluster VSAN-Cluster-1 | Get-VSANObjectHealth -ShowObjectUUIDs

Details on the Switches:

– HealthyOnly
Will only return True if all objects are healthy, else will return False

– ShowObjectUUIDs
Will extend the query to include an array of ObjectUUIDs for each health category. Good if you need to investigate specific objects

– UseCachedInfo
Will use the cached vSAN Health data from the vCenter server rather than forcing an update from the cluster. Great if you need a quick check, but not recommended if you need a current picture of object health (such as just after exiting from Maintenance Mode)

Enjoy and please do let me know (either via comments here or GitHub) if there is any other enhancements you would like to see! More cmdlets to come soon.